Ngā pātai auau 


After an extensive review, an independent Integrity Working Group (IWG) found that the current integrity system is too complicated and not fit for purpose. They recommended a strengthened integrity system, through the introduction of an independent organisation dedicated to safer and fairer sport and recreation experiences for all.

The proposed changes, including the establishment of the new Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission (the Commission) and introduction of a Code, will help improve standards for everyone, and provide more accessible support for people who experience integrity issues.

Legislation is required to establish the Commission and set out its functions and powers.

Draft legislation, the Integrity Sport and Recreation Bill (the bill), was introduced in March 2023.

You can read the bill here: Integrity Sport and Recreation Bill

Yes, the new Commission will be an independent Crown entity. 

In technical terms, it will be a ‘Part 3 crown entity’, as Drug Free Sport NZ is now. This means the Commission will operate independently from Ministers and government policy. 

It also means that the Commission will be entirely separate from Sport NZ and HPSNZ and all sport and recreation organisations.

The legislation specifies that the Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission will come into force on 1 July 2024, unless it is brought into force earlier through an Order in Council.

The Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission will commence operations on that date.

Keep an eye on updates at News and updates. 

You can also find key dates on our timeline. 

The Commission will promote and protect the safety and wellbeing of participants in sport and active recreation and the fairness of competition. 

Among other things, it will: 

  • provide support, information and guidance 
  • provide complaint and dispute resolution services for participants in sport and recreation 
  • investigate breaches of integrity standards.  

It will also become New Zealand’s national anti-doping organisation, folding in Drug Free Sport NZ.

Active recreation is non-competitive physical activity for the purpose of wellbeing and enjoyment. It plays a crucial role in our communities, and is the preferred way for many people to enjoy being active. 

It is included in the scope of the new Commission to ensure that recreation participants are provided the same protection and support as in sport.

A participant is anyone who takes part in sport or active recreation, as a player or competitor, an official, or in administration or governance. This includes athletes, people doing active recreation activities, officials, coaches, and people providing support or treatment to individuals and teams like parents, administrators, and volunteers. 

The proposed national Code will build on and strengthen the work that has been done to date and is key to stronger integrity outcomes for sport and recreation. 

 The Code will provide a set of integrity standards for the sport and recreation sector. We expect that, at a minimum, it will be participant-centric and focussed on harm prevention. It is intended to ensure that, overall, we have improved integrity outcomes across the sector. 

 The development of the Code will be informed by people who work, volunteer and participate in sport and recreation and wider consultation with the public. We are also engaging specifically with Māori to ensure that the Code is responsive to the rights and interest of Māori, and te Tiriti o Waitangi.   

After all the feedback is received, the Code will be drafted and may include the likes of safeguarding and protection of participants and human rights. 

Ideally, the Commission will be in a position to publish the Code soon after it begins operating.

We want the Code to reflect the needs and expectations of all participants. It takes time to gather input from a broad range of people and communities.  By working on that now (beginning with a public survey in June/July 2023, and focus groups in September to November 2023), we expect to have a draft Code for people to review and comment on before it is published.

No. Adoption of the Code will be a decision for organisations to make, but it will be highly encouraged.  

You may be aware of the Sports Anti-Doping Rules, which are also optional for organisations to adopt. We are confident that adoption of the Code will evolve in a similar way to the Sports Anti-Doping Rules and that organisations will see the benefits of the Code and want to sign-up. 

The Commission will support organisations to understand and adopt the Code, and will provide information and guidance for organisations to share with their members and affiliates.  

Any organisation in the sport and recreation sector will be able to adopt the Code. Adoption is voluntary.

Schools don’t fall into this category, however school sport organisations (such as organisations that deliver inter-school sports events) would be able to adopt the Code.

We will consult school sport organisations on the development of the Code, and hope that responses to the Code Survey 2023 will provide insights into public expectations.

Even if school sport is not covered by a code, the Commission has a broad discretion to investigate potential threats to integrity if an investigation would be in the public interest and could also offer assistance with education and advice on integrity issues in school sport.

Yes. Throughout 2023, there will be a range of opportunities to have your say, including a public survey, hui and targeted engagements. 

Opportunities to share your views and have your say will be promoted on our  consultation and engagement page and the website more widely.  

You can also contact us directly with questions or feedback at 

There is still plenty of support on offer to help resolve integrity issues that are happening now, including from Drug Free Sport NZ, Sport NZ, and the Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation Service.   

Find information and contact details at: Current integrity support – Integrity Transition Programme  

Free resources and services are also available from a number of organisations: Support Services.

Yes. Earlier work towards establishment of a new organisation used a working name of ISRNZ. The name that is used in the Bill to establish the new organisation is Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission (the Commission).