Te uiuinga me te pāhekohekotanga – me pēhea te tuku mai i ō whakaaro

Consultation and engagement – how to share your views

An important principle of the Integrity Transition Programme is to ensure that the voices and views of athletes, participants, the wider sector and members of the public are reflected in the work that we do.  

Opportunities to share your views and have your say will be promoted on this page. You can also email us with your questions or feedback at: enquiries@integritytransition.org.nz 

You can read more about the consultation and what people told us here:

Women playing Squash
Skater performs an aerial trick in a skate bowl

Integrity in Community Sport

AUT’s national survey of sports clubs produced valuable insights into how threats to integrity are perceived and dealt with in New Zealand’s sporting communities. Read the report here

Participant online discussions 2023

200 participants joined online in-depth discussions in September, October, and November. Find out more

Fono with Pacific peoples

Find out more 

Athlete Reference Group

High performance athletes participated in workshops to discuss aspects of the Code. Find out more

Code Survey 2023

More than 2,000 people responded to our survey about the Code. Find out more

Hui – March 2023

Rich whakaaro at a number of hui in March provided better understanding of the experience of Māori in sport and recreation. Find out more

Webinar – March 2023

Watch the webinar recording for an introduction to the development of a national code of integrity. Find out more

Sector hui – Feb/March 2023

140 people joined sector engagement hui to share their views and queries about the future of integrity in sport and recreation. Find out more

2022 Research

We commissioned a survey of 1,020 New Zealanders, to learn about their experiences in sport and recreation. Find out more