Ngā mahi me ngā tautoko mō te ngākau pono o te tākaro o nāianei

Current sport and recreation integrity work and support

Existing organisations continue to support and address the immediate integrity needs and requirements of the sport and recreation sector.  These organisations will continue to provide these services until the Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission begins operating in 2024.

Sport New Zealand 

Sport NZ as a kaitiaki of the system for play, active recreation and sport, is committed to supporting organisations to implement best practice to keep children and members safe and ensure involvement in play, active recreation and sport is kept safe, fair and inclusive for all. 

Sport NZ has developed a suite of resources to help everyone increase their capability to prevent and deal with the many aspects of maintaining the integrity of play, active recreation and sport.  

Find information and resources at 

Drug Free Sport New Zealand 

Drug Free Sport New Zealand (DFSNZ) is the country’s national anti-doping organisation, working across the sporting community towards a vision of clean athletes and clean sport. They help protect the integrity and reputation of sport, and the health of athletes, by: 

  • Educating, supporting and advocating for clean athletes 
  • Deterring and detecting doping, holding dopers to account; and 
  • Engaging with our wider sporting community. 

 Find comprehensive anti-doping education, advice, resources, and information online at 

You can contact Drug Free Sport New Zealand as follows: 

Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation service  

The Sport and Recreation Complaints and Mediation Service (SRCMS) is a free complaints and mediation service for sport and recreation across Aotearoa New Zealand. Its purpose is to ensure that those with integrity issues related to sport and recreation in Aotearoa New Zealand have a place to air their complaints and have them resolved fairly. It also offers access to free counselling services for those who lodge a complaint. 

The service is operated by Immediation New Zealand Limited, which has been contracted by Sport NZ to run the service independently of any sporting bodies, clubs and organisations, and independently of Sport NZ and HPSNZ. 

The service is free and confidential, and the experienced team will provide information about the services and avenues available for resolving any issues. 

You can contact SRCMS as follows: 

Sports Tribunal of New Zealand 

The Sports Tribunal is an independent body that determines certain types of disputes for the sports sector. The aim of the Tribunal is to ensure that national sport organisations and other parties to a sports dispute, such as athletes, have access to an affordable, just and speedy means of resolving a sports dispute. 

The Sports Anti-Doping Act 2006 sets out the sorts of disputes the Tribunal can hear. The main types of disputes the Tribunal hears are: 

  • anti-doping violations 
  • appeals against decisions of National Sport Organisations or the New Zealand Olympic Committee – mostly appeals against disciplinary decisions or not being selected for a New Zealand team 
  • other sports related disputes referred by agreement of all the parties. 

 You can contact the Sports Tribunal as follows: 

Other support services

We encourage you to seek support if you or someone you know needs it. Here is a list of organisations that provide resources and services: Support Services.